Full Body Laser
Ever calculated the amount of money we spend in salons for waxing?
An International full body waxing service ranges between INR 2000 to 3000 per month, leading to a spending of about INR 24,000 to 36,000 every year. Cosmeto care Full Body laser* is on the other hand a solution for couple of years and is cheaper than Waxing, offered at competitive pricing of just 49999 for 5 sessions that will drastically facilitate hair reduction and make the skin soft and smooth. Our team of experienced and professional technicians will ensure you have a pain free experience.
At Cosmeto care, our priorities are safety, health and results. Our state-of-art laser technology is FDA Approved and a totally safe procedure. The patented ChillTip technology is designed to protect the outer layer of the skin by decreasing the surface temperature, thus making the procedure highly comfortable. Besides this, the ChillTip technology has a slight anesthetic effect which enhances the comfort level. Our team of trained and professional Laser technicians will ensure all safety cautions are duly followed and the experience is as comfortable as possible.
Laser Hair Reduction
Laser is the easiest and quickest way to bid goodbye to all the unwanted hair, which has destroyed more than 100 hours of your life, shaving, waxing and tweezing. Now pick and choose the area where you want laser hair reduction. You are just one step away from getting the smooth and silky skin of your dreams.
It is a simple lunch time procedure with zero downtime though results vary from person to person.
Laser is a hair reduction treatment and not a hair removal procedure. It works on the hair follicles, reducing their fertility and capacity to re-grow. In 5-6 sessions, it drastically reduces hair growth, thus resulting is permanently smooth, soft skin.
It is highly advisable to shave before getting a laser Hair Reduction session done. This ensures that there is no hair above the skin which the laser machine will pick. Laser machine tends to target the hair above/ below the skin. Shaving ensures there is no hair above the skin that the laser machine will target, hence preventing potential burns. It is highly advisable not to shave at home, instead let the technician shave just before doing the laser session.
This is another misconception that People often have viz. Laser has long term side effects. The fact is that laser has no side effects. Our laser ChillTip technology is a patented technology which is FDA approved and completely safe with no long term side effects. Temporary side effects like redness, scarring, superficial discoloration of the treated area happens during the procedure but settles down with due post care, as advised by our experts.
Laser Rejuvenation & Resurfacing
Air pollution and sun exposure lead to unwelcome changes of your skin’ss texture, colour and elasticity . We employ Laser Genesis and Laser Resurfacing which uniquely rejuvenates the skin. It is proven to remove fine lines and also reduce large pores, scars, blemishes, uneven, pebbled texture and overall redness and flushing. Our new laser Technologies gives plastic surgeons a new level of control in laser surfacing, permitting extreme precision especially in delicate areas. Explore our Laser Anti-Ageing treatment which is comfortable with rapid and great outcomes.